Sunday 23 November 2014

The OL Life

Ah yes, I've finally become what I've always dreaded - an office lady (OL). To me, that term ages someone by a decade; I flinch when someone calls me an OL. Somehow the student life I had half a year ago seemed so free of responsibilities. Or maybe it's just the nostalgia speaking. In any case, I still feel the same. I still have the same spirit of fun, because youthfulness is a state of mind.

Working life isn't as bad as I thought, probably because I'm not working in a large corporation and doing a soul-sucking job. I'm enjoying myself learning how to do things which are not only specific to this job, but will be useful for internet marketing and business in general.

I love the office culture and the people, and I love the Pacman wall beside my table.

If I were still jobless I would be bumming around on the computer all day. At least now I'm doing productive things like reading useful pieces of information, taking Google Academy certifications, and earning my keep. Of course there's always the post-prandial stupor - lunch has the magical ability to make me feel unable to do work - but apart from that, I'm in a comfortable place.

Since work started, I've begun to realise why many people's lives revolve around work. Work takes up more than 1/3 of the day, and sleep takes up another 1/3. That leaves only about 6 hours to do other things like eating dinner, spending time with the family, exercising and some light reading. There's simply no time to fit all that in and engage in many leisure activities, as much as I would like to. Right now I'm learning to manage my time better so that I can do all the things I want to do!

Things I wanna do
  1. Blog more
  2. Read my tons of unread books
  3. Tidy my perpetually messy room to find some "lost" items
  4. Finish up a few writing/art/music projects

This list isn't daunting at all so I'm hoping I manage to tick off the items on a regular basis. I'm just trying to adjust to the amount of free time I have now so that I can get started on doing other things apart from vegging out in front of the TV/com/phone every time I get home from work.

I'm really excited to continue travelling towards the horizon of the future and to see what things are in store for me. Nothing's impossible with Jesus at my side. Even the most mundane of bus journeys becomes a chance for me to spend some time peacefully basking in His love. I used to feel rushed and anxious to get from place to place while during bus/train journeys, but now I just look out the window (and not at the clock), admiring the beautiful world He has made. Amazingly enough, I'm always in time for work when I'm just relaxing in His presence.

The thought You put into my mind when I was so down sustains me. "I have loved you with an everlasting love," He told me one day. I had not known that verse until He spoke life into it in my mind, and when I went to check it up, found that it was from Jeremiah 31:3. What peace and joy I knew when I heard that from Him, personally. It was as great a moment as when He reminded me of how much I was worth to Him. He is the almighty God; He doesn't have to do this, but He does because He loves me, even the parts of me I reject.

I watched Interstellar yesterday and it resonated with me. The whole universe, every fibre and atom, is connected by Love. God is Love. And though we can't see Him now because He lives in another dimension (though once He walked this Earth), He's still here and He loves every one of us. We were made in His image, as beings of love and light. All we need to do is to step into our destiny. I had an existentialist moment on the bus one day, wondering about the point of being on Earth if all of this will pass away. I was wondering about why I was going through my daily routine and why I led this life if I was going to die one day. But now I know my purpose: to be so filled with Love, the love of the One who made everything, that it overflows and connects me to every other living creature in this temporal living space. I'm here to love and tell others about His goodness, and have them experience it too.

There's a reality out there that's greater than this life that I'm living. As I'm as walking through this reality, I'm looking up with shining eyes at the stars where I'll one day be.

Rachel loves sharing about the beautiful things in life from different perspectives. She writes on beauty and lifestyle in Cherchez Beauté , and does more abstract stuff on Antelune . When she's not writing, she's playing with her dog Holly, doodling and reading fiction. You can follow her on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram .